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My Philosophy of Tutoring

Learners of all ages deserve to move beyond “I can’t.” Tutoring helps them take that step. A tutor needs to create a new learning context, apart from classroom, workplace, friends, and family, in which a client can move beyond fear or confusion and toward confidence and creativity. To accomplish this, a tutor must listen with their heart as much as their ears, in order to understand their students (or their students' parents) at the deepest level. Every tutoring relationship requires the tutor to tap into their empathy for that student. It is crucial that they ascertain and then emphasize each student’s particular strengths as a learner or a writer. An ideal tutor relies not only on careful preparation but also on intuition when determining which way “to turn” whenever the unexpected arises. The ultimate goal in tutoring should be to awaken the spirit of inquiry and self-expression inside every client.

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